Definition: the c/f related distribution expresses the distribution of individual particles in relation to finer material and associated voids not included in the particles (Stoops & Jongerius, 1975)

1. only non-accommodating constituents larger than a postulated size limit are present: coarse monic

2. only constituents smaller than a postulated size limit are present: fine monic

3. the finer material fills all interstitial spaces between the coarser constituents: porphyric

3.1. the coarser constituents have points of contact (not necessary visible in the plane of the section): close porphyric

3.2. the coarser constituents do not tough each other, and their distance is

3.2.1. less than their mean diameter: single spaced porphyric

3.2.2. more than once, but maximum twice the mean diameter: double spaced porphyric

3.2.3. more than twice the mean diameter: open porphyric

4. both finer and coarser components and associated voids are present:

4.1. the finer material occurs as distinct aggregates in the intergranular spaces between the coarser components: enaulic

4.2. the finer material occurs only as coatings surrounding wholly or partially the coarser components: chitonic

4.3. the finer material occurs both as coatings surrounding wholly or partially the coarser constituents and as concave bridges linking the coarser constituents: chito-gefuric

4.4. the finer material occurs only as bridges linking the coarser constituents: gefuric

4.4.1. the bridges are concave : concave gefuric

4.4.2. the bridges are convex : convex gefuric

5. others: complex intergrades (indicate them).


Note: for intergrades and mixtures of c/f-related distributions use the terminology as proposed by Stoops and Jongerius (1975).